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Foods to help you get in ketosis

The Keto Diet – What You Can Eat – Here are some foods to help you get into ketosis (fat burning):

Have you heard about the Keto diet and are wondering what you can eat? The ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that has become increasingly popular for weight loss. Many people have had success following this type of diet, and it can be a great way to get healthy and lose weight. However, it’s important to understand the ingredients accepted in a keto diet before starting.  By eating a variety of healthy fat sources, moderate amounts of protein, and very few carbs, your body enters a state of ketosis. In this state, your body burns fat for energy instead of glucose. This guide will go over the ingredients accepted in the Keto diet so you can get started on your health journey.

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are an essential part of the keto diet (75%) because they provide the majority of your calories and fuel your body. Healthy fats include coconut oil, olive oil, butter, lard, ghee (clarified butter), avocados and avocado oil. Nuts such as macadamias, walnuts, almonds and pecans should also be included in moderation. Seeds such as chia seeds, flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds are allowed in small amounts as well.


Protein is an important part of any diet (20%) but it’s especially important when following a keto diet since it helps keep blood sugar levels stable and provides energy for your body to function optimally. Good sources of protein include grass-fed red meats like beef or pork; poultry such as chicken or turkey; wild-catch fish like salmon or tuna; pasture raised eggs; nuts; legumes such as lentils and beans; pasture raised dairy products like cheese or yogurt; and soy products like tofu or tempeh. When possible, opt for grass-fed beef to get more Omega-3 fatty acids into your system.

Low Carb Vegetables

Vegetables are an important part of any healthy diet but they’re especially important when following a keto diet since they contain fiber which helps keep you full longer while providing vitamins and minerals that support good health overall. Low carb vegetables include spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, zucchini squash, alfalfa sprouts, artichokes, asparagus, among others. These vegetables should be eaten raw or lightly cooked to maintain their nutrient value. Some approved fruits are berries. Avoid if you bloat with any of these foods.


The Keto diet is all about balance between healthy fats and proteins with low carb vegetables to get into Ketosis for optimal weight loss results! By focusing on these three macronutrients in the right proportions you can jumpstart your health journey with confidence knowing you have all the right ingredients to succeed! For more tips on how to make the most out of your new lifestyle check out our blog!

